Pianists corner

New feature : At the same time…

a – Which French pianists were born in the year Horowitz died?

b – Which French pianists over 18 years old were able to attend the famous duel organized on March 31, 1837 between Franz Liszt and Sigismund Thalberg by Princess Cristina Belgiojoso on the occasion of a charity concert for the benefit of Italian exiles in Paris, and which made Marie d’Agoult say: “Thalberg is the first pianist in the world. Liszt is the only one.” ?

With the “At the same time…” tool, access the list of pianists living at a given moment in history. You can filter this list by countries and age ranges. 

Answers to the questions

a – answer : This link requires prior subscription to the club

b – answer : Click this link to see the result: the display of the year 1837 is free for testing.

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